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Don't You Go - Crxsh

Celebrities, Not Role-Models
Why do so many people automatically assume that just because someone is famous or holds a higher title, they are then accepted into a...

Wendy and Lisa: Fruit At the Bottom (Review)
Everyone knows who The Revolution is. If you don't, fix that problem. Wendy and Lisa released their sophomore album, Fruit At the Bottom,...

Jaden Smith Cool Tape Vol. 2 (Review)
There have been so many artists that have had dreams and aspirations of doing the best they can and being the best they can be at their...

Fading Stars (The Age of the Artist)
We are all too familiar with the black hole of no return we like to call Mainstream Media. The cycle of the decades has changed how we...

The Epitome of Influence
In this day and age, we are in constant and rapid evolution of industry, creativity, and expression of the arts. Whether you think todays...

The Reality Of the Record Deal
Record Companies. How many of you have had a dream of producing your own immaculate beats or creating a hit composition? Do you remember...
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