The Artistic Illustrations of Young Earl Grey

It's a rarity to see artistic individuality in the illustration department that blesses the gazing eyes and doesn't leave you visually impaired for lack of understanding. Ever seen Number 5 1948, illustrated by Jackson Pollock? Google is your friend. Pollock's painting is worth an estimated $163.8 million, making it one of the most expensive paintings ever sold yet the actual painting looks like Tommy Pickles from the Rugrats could have drawn it with his eyes closed. Pop Culture art is obviously what we are all waiting for and in this same statement we welcome Young Earl Grey AKA Rhea Isaacs as the front runner for that old-school 80's pop art.

She goes by the name of YoungEarlGrey and is evidently responsible for the newfound love of Pop Culture visuals. Anyone, especially the common and complex art lover, will love the amount of raw graphic design that lays hold to the hands of YoungEarlGrey. Analyze her art and you can almost hear the 80's synthesizers playing in her head. Her illustration portfolio is as wide as her imagination and her ability to capture that 80's old-school music style in graphic illustration form is too dope.

The pop vintage coloring of battleship grey and fluorescent peachy orange she uses creates masterpieces that create exposive visuals in the artistic mind. As a lover of 80's music and fashion, YoungEarlGrey's illustrations take us back to the urban visionary movement that has been missing from mainstream art. YoungEarlGrey's talent shows in how she can translate visual effects from the rawness of her pencil and graphic technology into a living and breathing pop rock melody in artistic form. She's easily the visionary of the future. Check out the catalog of the amazing YoungEarlGrey and spread the word. You won't be disappointed!

When YoungEarlGrey starts selling shirts like this one, I'll be a happy customer...

-Peace, Love, and God Above