Free The Music

It appalls me when artists complain about piracy and bootleg recordings they own being distributed amongst the fan community. We've all been told that piracy and illegal downloads are crimes yet, we've all done those before. Did you get arrested for freely downloading that album single last night? Neither did I. But I'm going to call the cops on you anyway and see what they think about the situation. For correctional punishment they'll probably hold a brief conversation with you ending with a long list of illegal downloads they've made and websites where you can get the "hook up" on albums.
I often gaze in amazement at the careers of artists of all calibers and industry ages. The central particle of their problem is with fans who bootleg their songs and have the audacity (pun intended) to distribute the music amongst others in the fan community. Now I am a firm advocate of paying an artist what they are due. Being an artist is like any other job: Time consuming, sometimes frustrating, varying in ability to enjoy, and leaving you yearning for retirement. But it's not the 80's anymore where you had to give up your master recordings to the record label you were signed to as a down payment on the cost of touring, studio time, producers, middlemen, etc. We now have one of the rare and few upsides to technology and that is the ability to download music software that allows even the most common person without a record deal or money for studio time, to freely record and produce music. Individual downloading of music software is also a safer alternative because you have complete ownership and security of your creations. We even enjoy the fruits of technology and blogs like this one where getting your music out there to the world is only one click away. The music industry is at your fingertips. You control it yet you don't even realize it until you look at the current state of the industry. This totally eliminates the need for a record company. Why record companies are still around is astonishing to me. We simply don't NEED them anymore yet some artists ignorantly want them for easy distribution purposes. Ever heard of social media?
Music should go back to the form and way in which it was intended. Before there were executives, businessmen, and top caliber owners, there was free music. This is the answer to many artists problems and prayers. In order for anyone of any music skill and caliber to generate consumers attention all you have to do is make a surprise album and distribute it for free. When you present a free album, it doesn't matter who you are, people will come. There eyes will be directly on you and you'll have their loyalty and attention. This eliminates bootlegs and illegal downloads because the consumers will know that the album is free and they will also know where to go to get it. There is no cost to the artist or the consumer and everyone is happy. Take Jaden Smith for example. His album Cool Tape Vol. 2 was sold free at his own app called The Jaden Experience. If you listen to that album all the way through, it is well worth $10.99, yet he presented it as a free offering and not only are people downloading his album at the correct source but consumers also have their eyes on the next album he is working on. Whether he sells that album for a profit or for free people will consume that product. This is the key! What am I paying for and who am I paying with $11 dollars and some change? Am I supporting the artist alone or 50 other people I don't know at the record label? When you lead the consumers to your product they know where to come and the exposure for your next album is even greater in intensity. Drop a surprise free album and distribute it to the mass consumers by social media or creative alternatives to record companies. Create your own app. Get creative! The possibilities are endless! Plus, when you are not worried about pleasing a record company or making a quick profit, your art comes out a whole lot better. Why? Because freedom breaks the chains of bondage and every artist creates more effectively when they are free, not chained and bound.
-Peace, Love, and God Above