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The Epitome of Influence

In this day and age, we are in constant and rapid evolution of industry, creativity, and expression of the arts. Whether you think todays times are more artificial or less, we can all agree that the expressive way of artistic communication has driven off into a new direction. As for some, in which category I may fall into, music of old is the pure in motive and creatively dangerous which makes for a mixing bowl of adventure and revelation. Others cling more to the new sound and repititous pattern of music that sleeps in the hollow places of today's mainstream radio and media.

There have been many times, in which I have had recently, where the radio is turned on in the car and we flip through almost every station in desperate attempt to find something at least decent and listenable. To our disappointment, we fail our thirsty ears longing for the least of something daring and yet the radio has failed us just as well. I feel ashamed of this generation at times but then I consider who is actually putting the music out on mainstream. It couldn't be oldies, it couldn't been teens and therefore it would have to be the middleman: Media Executives. People work behind closed company doors and force feed junk music into the ears of the people. Why? When you get the answer let me know because I am just as clueless to what's going on as you are.

In this is a small and yet essential lesson. Make the music that you want to hear. I'm tired of flipping through radio channels. It's gotten so bad, that the onlyl radio music I listen to now is the Classical Music station. And in this desperate attempt to sprinkle some soulful water on my desolate ears, the Classical station has become a pleasant endeavor. I have gotten so used to it that instead of moaning when someone requested Classical music, I actually request it myself and I'd rather listen to peaceful sounds of instruments new to my ears than the repitition of a sample loop. Don't get me wrong. This is comming from a person who listens to Rap, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Rock, R&B, Blues, Country, Folk, EDM, etc. If I could get into Classical Music, ANYONE can. Create the soundtrack to your life and present it to others. Don't conform to what society wants you to hear and don't get comfortable with the force feeding of flat out bad music.

As a member of the radio audience, you shouldn't have to adjust yourself to sounds you can't warm up to or vulgarity that may bother you. Take a different route. Stop looking up to the current artists of today for influence and inspiration. Look at the artists who came before them. Instead of fashioning yourself like Kendrick Lamar, fashion youself to who influenced him. Don't try to be exactly like someone else. Study art in diverse measures and try not to limit yourself to the likes of mainstream. Being different is not going to make you better than any other artist out there. We are all different. You have to show yourself approved with dilligent study and practice of craft. Dedicate yourself to developing skill and elaborating on artists of the past in order to create better music for our future. Add substance to your art and never forget that what you put out for the world to see is there forever and every word you speak either hurts or edifies someone in the audience. Make that change!

-Peace, Love, and God Above

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